
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Debbie McGrath

Posted on 03/07/2016, by:

If you need to perfect at something, practice is mandatory. Leadership is no different. Only if you continuously hone your skills as a leader, you can become a master. We have a great article that talks about vital leadership practices in this issue of Leadership Excellence. 

Bob Anderson and Bill Adams’ article Six Leadership Practices, talks about six essential leadership practices that, if approached as ongoing disciplines, reliably mature the inner game and develop outer-game capabilities. According to them, these practices, taken together, are a spiritual boot camp for leaders. They are spiritual because they call forth the highest and best in us. They are a boot camp because they change and restructure us. They reliably transform Reactive leadership into Creative leadership and beyond. To know more, read the article.

As a leader (or a potential leader) you are constantly being evaluated on how well you display confidence, composure, credibility, connection, and charisma. Carol Kinsey Goman in her article Leadership Presence puts forth five simple strategies that can influence people’s impression of you and instantly increase your leadership presence. According to her, leadership presence needs to be rooted in your basic values – and the “homework” of knowing your strengths, weaknesses, talents and biases is crucial to aligning people’s impression of you with your best authentic self. Read this interesting piece to know more.

“In my work with thousands of leaders I consistently see three delegation mistakes that lead to countless hours of lost time, frazzled nerves, and frustrated leaders,” says author David Dye in his article Delegation, A Powerful Tool. The good news is that when you address these mistakes, your people grow, your team gets more done, and you have more time for the work only you can do. So find out the 3 delegation mistakes to avoid and get going.

Market forecasts. Stock prices. News headlines. Reports from your team. As a leader, you’re bombarded with data from the moment you wake up, your smartphone buzzing with emails and alerts. Can you ignore it? No way, as your job as a leader is to take all of this incoming data and use it to make smarter decisions. Authors John H. Johnson and Mike Gluck in their article, Don’t Be Misled By Data, talks about 4 ways you may be undermining your career or your company by misinterpreting data—and how you can start using data to your advantage as a leader.

Diversity and inclusion have definitely grown up over the past 20 years. Studies have shown that diversity management tops the list of priorities that businesses will have in the coming years. And, within the last 10 years, there has been an explosion of senior-level diversity officer roles in corporations, higher education, and law firms. With all of these resources being put toward increasing diversity, why have most organizations not achieved the change they seek? Read Natalie Holder's article Uncovering Unconscious Bias In The Workplace to know more.

Hope you got a sneak peek into this month’s edition of Leadership Excellence Essentials. I haven’t talked about the rest of the articles, so that you get a chance to explore and find out what’s in store for you. I am sure, you will like it as always. Happy Reading!! 


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