
Wednesday 16 March 2016

IIMT, A fake institute? Read on Simply Career? Read Again Here...

IIMT Studies reveals the truth behind the fake educational institute and degrees and how learners can avoid such institutions?
Education is one of the main goals of the millennium development goals. These goals have been replaced with UN sustainable development goals of which quality education is number 4.
In line with this many universities, e-learning and distance education centers offering online and traditional classroom learning have sprung up. It is imperative for students to select a good institution that offers high quality education. Students must realize that education is not about getting a paper to get promotion but should be a way of enhancing their education, competence and experience.
War among Education Institutions
Colleges and Universities, e-Learning and distance education training are supposed to be hallmarks of educational excellence and skill development. However due to competitive pressure from other rival institutions, some of them do not follow the education standards and consider students as customers instead of trainees. This devaluates the quality of education in terms of lowing skill training, removing knowledgeable and technical materials from their syllabus and not covering the syllabus effectively etc. The downside of this is that student never discovers their weaknesses, fail to learn from their mistakes, never face consequences of their action and most of all, and never acquire critical practical skills that are required in the industry.
The concept of universities fighting for number of students by lowering the education level is controversial and retrogressive as this subsequently affects education quality. By running campuses as profit making business, students never get any skills.
Negative Reviews and Fake Degrees
The internet and social media have developed a platform where people comments on services offered by study centers or university. Recent studies on books, companies and five star hotels show that most reviews and negative reviews are a complex scheme of white collar fraud.  One study by Michael call this fraud “fake it till you make it”(Michael, 2015). Reviewers are paid by competitors to give negative comments to discredit an institution or company. In addition, they are also paid to make positive comments about the competitors.
Education institutions have been caught in this net. Many universities and individuals are battling it out in terms of winning students both locally and international through negative publicity, fraudulent reviews and aggressive marketing strategies which aren’t true.
Other learning institutions are offering completely fake degrees with no learning at all. Other imitates the name of credible institutions with few changes to lure online students searching for a credible instruction.
Distance Education and E-Learning
The internet is full of myriad of institution offering online degrees and diplomas. While these campuses portray as cost effective, easy and comfy education; they never talk about accreditation, legitimacy of their institution, lecturers qualifications, accolades that institution and members of staff have, entry requirements and how the program will be conducted to ensure that the student passes.
How IIMT Studies is Unique and Different in catering Quality E-Learning Education?
IIMT is a credible, accredited and high ranking e- learning institution with accolades and partners nationally and internationally.  The courses and diplomas are internally and externally effective. These IIMT courses and diplomas enable learner to achieve their personal objective such as enabling them gain practical skills and competencies, get promotions and also advance their careers. As externally it is effective to enable students to become useful to the society and nation as a whole.
IIMT provides efficient distance learning. Efficiency in education is measured through inputs such as quality up to date reading materials, highly qualified faculties and supportive staff members, efficient use of students time, good communication methods, student centered learning, effective learning disciplines, good tutors behavior and inclusive environments.
IIMT has largely excelled in providing education to the students along with the much needed life skill training. These include peace, living in harmony, reacting to work related stress, saving our environment from pollution, health and hygiene, citizenship, looking for jobs, etiquettes and good social behavior.

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